
Whale Watching, Mirissa

About 80 minutes drive from Villa Maggona, just past Galle is Mirissa, the internationally-renowned spot in the Indian Ocean where it is possible to see blue whales in concentrations rarely seen elsewhere. The blue whales, including young whale calves gather here to feed between the months of November and April. During this period large boats leave Mirissa at 6.30 am. In addition to blue whales, there have been sightings of killer whales and numerous dolphins.

$200.00 on full board basis, for two people

Enjoy these interesting fun activities during your stay as well!

  • Whale Watching, Mirissa
  • Water Sports, Bentota
  • Turtle hatchery, Induruwa

Terms & conditions

  • Offer valid till the 20th of December, 2020.
  • Offer cannot be combined with any other offer

For reservations, call : +94 34 22 777 63, email [email protected]


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Price per person $100.00

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